I had this thought the other night. That's how it starts, isn't it? With a thought and before you know it, you're deep inside a world that makes no sense but in the retrospect defines you. In a similar pattern like every other night, I put my phone aside in a futile attempt to put my brain to rest and go to sleep. I've ran out of ways to knock myself out. Somedays I call myself a selenophile just to stay relevant and sane to myself and my thoughts. What I fail to realize is it's just another fancy word to fool myself the way drugs fool the nervous system. Since I couldn't bring myself to gather the patience for a good long sleep or maybe I had simply lost hopes, I sprung into thinking how I had nothing to think about and how everything that has ever existed is pointless. Come to think of it, it's quite an ambiguous thought but I'd rather blame every sleepless night for making me so naive to think about it. I clench the surprisingly hard pillow as I begi...